CITYU Theses & Dissertations
殘障兒童父母的親職壓力研究 ——基於沙盤治療的實證研究
Disabled children’s parents’ parenting stress researh --Based on the research on sandplay treatment
沙盤遊戲 ; 殘障兒童 ; 智力障礙 ; 自閉症 ; 親職壓力
Sandplay therapy ; Disabled children ; Mentalretardation ; Autism, Parenting stress,
澳門地區對於殘障兒童父母的親職壓力研究甚少,所以此研究的目的在於瞭解澳門地區殘障兒童父母親的親職壓力情況、成因、親職壓力對殘障兒童的情緒行為之影響,探討透過沙盤遊戲治療對殘障兒童父母的親職壓力之舒緩作用,這項研究的結果將為構建父母調節其孩子情緒的心理機制奠定實證研究的科學依據。整份論文共包括三項研究,研究一採用問卷調查法,使用自編的兒童基本資料表與艾碧定(Abidin,1990b)編制的簡式親職壓力量表中文版,對29 名殘障兒童父母親的親職壓力水準進行估量,研究發現,這些兒童的父母親感受的親職壓高,以兼智障的自閉症兒童父母壓力為最高,而壓力的高低與父母的教育水準、家庭平均收入及就業情況有關。研究二根據研究一的結果從中選取20 名父母就其子女的情緒行為實況,填寫《自閉症兒童發展評估表》中的情緒及行為部份之評估表問卷,借此瞭解這20 名父母對其子女的情緒行為的見解,並對照他們在研究一裏的壓力量表所呈現的壓力指數,研究發現,殘障兒童的情緒行為問題越嚴重,其父母的親職壓力水準越高。研究三以研究二
中10 名兼智障的自閉症兒童及其父母作被試,對他們分2 組,一組為實驗組,另一組為對照組。對照組只需兒童自己進行沙盤遊戲,而實驗組則需兒童與父母共同參予沙盤遊戲的治療;研究發現,經過一段時期的沙盤遊戲治療,父母的親職壓力能顯著下降,而這些父母在再次填寫孩子的情緒行為問卷時,都認為孩子們是有所改善的。
In Macao there has been little research on parenting stress faced by parents of children with disabilities. The objective of my research was to understand such parenting stress in Macao, the difference between stress felt by the father and that by the mother, and the influences of parenting stress on the emotional and behavioral disorders of disabled children. At the same time, it tried to explore the effects of sandplay therapy on relieving parenting stress of parents of disabled children. The results of this research will serve as a scientific evidence from an empirical research for the construction of parents’ psychological mechanism to adjust to their children’s emotions.
The research consisted of three studies. The first study involved a questionnaire-based survey, with the use of the “Basic Information about Children”, (兒童基本資料表), a self-compiled questionnaire form, and the Parenting Stress Index, devised by Abidin (1990b) (簡式親職壓力量表), Chinese edition. The parenting stress levels of 29 parents of children with disabilities were thus evaluated. The study revealed that the parenting stress of these parents was big, and parents of children with mental retardation as well as autism had the biggest stress. Moreover, stress level was related to parents’ level of education, average household income and employment situation.During the second study, 20 parents were selected according to the results of the first study, and asked to complete a questionnaire about emotion and behavior (情緒行為)evaluation, which was taken from the “Checklist for Evaluation of Development in Autistic Children”《自閉症兒童發展評估表》. This aimed to understand the parents’ ideas and opinions about their children’s emotions and behavior(情緒行為) as well as to collate their stress levels indicated in the first study. According to findings of the study, the more serious the children’s emotional and behavioral disorders/problem(s 情緒行為問題 )were, the bigger the parenting stress was.
The third study was an experiment (被試)involving 10 parents and their autistic children with mental retardation. They were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group(實驗組 對照組). In the control group, the children were asked to do the sandplay alone, while in the experimental group parents and children took part in the sandplay therapy together. The study indicated that after a period of sandplay therapy parenting stress was significantly decreased. Besides, when these parents filled out one more time the questionnaire about their children’s emotions and behavior, they all believed that there was improvement in their children.
1. Parents of children with disabilities face rather big parenting stress. The research has indicated that parents of children with mental retardation in addition to autism suffer the biggest stress
2.Emotional and behavioral problems(情緒行為問題) of disabled children and parenting stress influence each other.
3. Sandplay therapy plays a positive role on relieving stress on parents parenting disabled children. Parent-child sandplay therapy, which includes parents as a therapy element, can decrease parenting stress as well as encourage greater appreciation by parents of their children.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
第一章緒論 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究的背景 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究的意義 5
1.4.1 理論意義 5 探討沙盤遊戲對殘障兒童及其父母的心理治療作用 5 豐富親子關係研究的理論內涵 6 探討沙盤遊戲對於導向殘障兒童的情緒行為的作用 7
1.4.2 實踐意義 8 討論父母的親職壓力與孩子情緒的相互影響 8 有助於擴展沙盤遊戲治療的適用範圍 9
1.5 本論文的基本研究思路和架構 10
1.5.1. 本文的研究思路 10
1.5.2 本文的架構 11
1.6 本文的創新及價值 11
第二章文獻綜述 14
2.1 殘障兒童 14
2.1.1 殘障兒童的定義 14 智障的定義及智障的分類 14 自閉症定義 16
2.1.2 殘障兒童的身理及心理輔助 19 身理輔助 19 心理輔助 20
2.2 親職壓力 20
2.2.1 親職壓力的概念解讀 20
2.2.2 親職壓力研究現狀 22
2.3 沙盤遊戲治療 25
2.3.1 沙盤遊戲的作用論理 25
2.3.2 沙盤遊戲的特點與優勢 27 沙盤遊戲的特點: 27 沙盤遊戲的優勢 28
2.3.3 沙盤遊戲適用于殘障兒童的原理 29
2.3.4 沙盤遊戲在殘障兒童中應用 31
第三章殘障兒童情緒行為與父母親職壓力關係研究 33
3.1 研究一 33
3.1.1 研究目的與假設 33
3.1.2 研究對象選取 33
3.1.3 研究工具 34
3.1.4 研究結果 46
3.1.5 總結及討論 47
3.2 研究二 49
3.2.1 研究目的與假 49
3.2.2 研究對象選取: 50
3.2.3 研究工具 50
3.2.4 研究結果 51
3.2.5 總結及討論 54
第四章沙盤遊戲對家庭的干預治療 57
4.1 研究設計 57
4.1.1 研究目的與假設 57
4.1.2 研究對象 57
4.1.3 研究方法 58
4.1.4 研究工具及材料 58
4.2 研究實施 58
4.2.1 研究對象及其選取 59
4.2.2 個案基本情況 59 對比組的五個被試孩子 59 實驗組的五個被試孩子及其父母 59
4.2.3 治療方案 60 對比組 60 實驗組 61
4.2.4 沙盤遊戲治療過程 62 對比組 62 實驗組 72
4.3 研究結果 77
第五章總討論 80
5.1 殘障兒童父母的親職壓力 80
5.2 沙盤遊戲治療對於這批輕度智障的自閉症兒童情緒行為的緩解作用 82
5.3 這批輕度智障兒童的父母在沙盤遊戲治療中的作用 84
第六章結論 88
6.1 總結論 88
6.2 研究不足 89
6.3 未來展望 90
參考文獻 92
作者簡歷 97
附錄 98
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