In the susceptible population job burnout, academic coordinator because of its special occupation, is susceptible to sensitive population groups, so should arouse our attention. This paper makes an empirical research on academic coordinator job burnout. On the basis of research, the clinical view of occupation burnout theory, social psychological point of view, organization view and social view of history of the American clinical psychologist Freudenberger was utilized, I analyzed the demographic data in 3 universities academic coordinator in Beijing with MBI-GS, general self efficacy scale (GSES) and Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) .The first part of the article is the introduction of this paper, introduces the research background and significance; the second part is about the general theory and research status of job burnout, focuses on the research about the job burnout at home and abroad current situation and several views; the third part attention research status current situation of job burnout of college student workers as a special group, and points out the limitations of the study and future needs to pay attention to the points and direction; the fourth part mainly for student workers job burnout research data consolidation and analysis; the fifth part is the survey of occupational burnout factors associated with burnout volume table data analysis; the sixth part is the conclusion, analyzes the student workers the reasons for burnout and alleviate burnout.