CITYU Theses & Dissertations
Employee turnover analysis based on Merchants bank in Zhuhai
珠海招商銀行員工流失原因 ; 因數分析 ; 回歸分析
Merchants Bank of Zhuhai ; Staff Turnover Reasons ; Factor Analysis ; Regression Analysis
As a service industry, human resources are very important for Bank, but in recent years, the phenomenon of bank staff turnover is more serious. Generally, lower employee turnover rate would not produce negative impact, however, if the employee turnover rate is too high, it will bring great negative influence. Such as recruit new worker, increase the recruitment fees, job training fees, even a large number of employee turnover will lead to instability in people's minds, weakening the work enthusiasm of remaining employees. This paper use Merchants Bank of Zhuhai as the research object, take an analysis of employee turnover of Bank.
Through interview and questionnaire survey the two kinds method ,by use statistic analysis,the following conclusions are obtained:
(1) The main reason of Merchants Bank employee turnover is not received leadership attention, high working pressure, often pull deposit sell financial products to do credit card and other tasks, for the future of banking industry expressed concern that high income low cost of living, often have to work overtime, and branch management is not standardized.
(2) The motivation of Merchants Bank employees turnover is not significant difference in the married and unmarried employees. In different gender, different age, different education, urban housing, in different years and different jobs exist significant differences.
(3) The correlation coefficient of the employees' comprehensive motivation and career development is the highest, and the correlation coefficient between the individual and other factors is relatively low. There is a positive correlation among the different motivation, and the motivation of the employees is not unilateral, but the result of many factors together.
(4) Professional development factors, salary and benefit factors, bank management and incentive factors are the main factors influencing the employee turnover intention, and work environment and culture of bank and the individual factors are not the reasons.
致 谢 I
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 1
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意義 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意義 3
1.2 研究內容和研究框架 4
1.3 本文研究方法 6
第二章 關於員工流失的理論與文獻綜述 7
2.1 員工流失的概念及影響 7
2.2 有關人力資源和員工流失的理論 8
2.2.1 人力資源的相關理論 8
2.2.2 員工流失的相關理論 11
2.3 關於員工流失的文獻綜述 13
2.3.1 關於員工流失的國外文獻綜述 13
2.3.2 關於員工流失的國內文獻綜述 14
2.3.3 對文獻的述評 17
第三章 研究設計 18
3.1 個人流失訪談 18
3.2 問卷調查及統計分析方法 19
3.2.1 問卷的設計 19
3.2.2 問卷的調查 19
3.2.3 定量分析中所用到的方法 20
3.2.4 整體分析框架 21
第四章 基於問卷調查結果的珠海招行流失分析 23
4.1 統計描述分析 23
4.2 因數分析結果 26
4.3 信度和效度分析 39
4.4 單因素方差分析 40
4.5 相關分析和回歸分析 43
4.6 本章小結 47
第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 結論 49
5.2 對策建議 50
參考文獻 52
附錄A 對珠海招商銀行離職員工的個人訪談記錄 55
致 谢 I
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 1
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景和研究意義 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意義 3
1.2 研究內容和研究框架 4
1.3 本文研究方法 6
第二章 關於員工流失的理論與文獻綜述 7
2.1 員工流失的概念及影響 7
2.2 有關人力資源和員工流失的理論 8
2.2.1 人力資源的相關理論 8
2.2.2 員工流失的相關理論 11
2.3 關於員工流失的文獻綜述 13
2.3.1 關於員工流失的國外文獻綜述 13
2.3.2 關於員工流失的國內文獻綜述 14
2.3.3 對文獻的述評 17
第三章 研究設計 18
3.1 個人流失訪談 18
3.2 問卷調查及統計分析方法 19
3.2.1 問卷的設計 19
3.2.2 問卷的調查 19
3.2.3 定量分析中所用到的方法 20
3.2.4 整體分析框架 21
第四章 基於問卷調查結果的珠海招行流失分析 23
4.1 統計描述分析 23
4.2 因數分析結果 26
4.3 信度和效度分析 39
4.4 單因素方差分析 40
4.5 相關分析和回歸分析 43
4.6 本章小結 47
第五章 結論與建議 49
5.1 結論 49
5.2 對策建議 50
參考文獻 52
附錄A 對珠海招商銀行離職員工的個人訪談記錄 55
附錄B 對珠海招商銀行員工流失或離職傾向的調查問卷 57
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