Self-handicapping is a protective attribution strategies, self-handicapper catch his intention by creating a condition handicapping the present task on purpose. When self- handicapper cann't do well, the creation of condition handicapping success make him escape ability attuibution. Thus he avoid or reduce negative effect of bad performation. Self-handicapping contains two forms: one is self-reported handicaps,the other is behavioral self-handicaps. Based on the previous litreratures,the writer make a deep research on those ambiguous aspect.
Using the (self-handicapping scale, SHS) , (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI) of 450 young women all over the country’s provinces and cities for testing, it is aimed to explore self-handicapping behavior and personality types(Introversive and Extraversion) as well as the relationship between the two. The study in order to ensure its effectiveness, Also use the extrovision of EPQ as the criterion, make the E-I scale of MBTI and the extrovision of EPQ to do the correlation analysis.To verify the validity of the E-I scale of MBTI as measuring the function about the introversive and extraversion of the subjects. The participants involved the research is 50 of them in all the participants. This article will examine the following variables, including the degree of introversion, extroversion and self-handicapping. The related experiments and design, in order to observe the self-handicapping behavior of women’s degree of introversion and extroversion, and make the following assumptions: (1),Self-handicapping behavior have significant difference in introversion and extroversion women; (2), Women of self-handicapping behavior and significantly associated with the degree of introversion; (3), Women of self-handicapping behavior and significantly associated with the degree of extroversion; (4), Women's degree of introversion can predict the self-handicapping behavior; (5), Women's degree of extroversion can predict the self-handicapping behavior. After data analysis, found that (1), (2), (3), (5) assumptions are set up.
Conclusions are as follows: (1), Self-handicapping level have obvious differences in introversion and extroversion women, the introversion subjects with a higher self-handicapping level; (2), Women with more typical extraversion have a lower degree of self-handicapping trend, introversion women’s degree of self-handicapping have higher trend than extraversion women; (3), The participants the extraversion degree of every rise in unit, her self-handicapping level will drop - 0.151 units,extraversion degree can explain self-handicapping degree of variation of 2.3%.