CITYU Theses & Dissertations
店內氣氛刺激對消費者衝動性購買行為的影響研究 : 以 TASTE 超市為例
A Study of the Impact of In-Store’s Environmental Stimuli on Consumers' Impulse Purchasing Behavior : Take TASTE supermarket as an example
商店氣氛 ; 心境 ; 心境自我調控 ; 店內瀏覽 ; 衝動性購買
Store atmosphere ; Mood ; Mood regulation ; In-store browsing ; Impulsive purchase
通過SPSS 22.0以及Lisrel 8.70實證研究,本文結論歸納為如下幾點:一、商店氣氛(氛圍因數、社交因數、設計因數)刺激對心境反應呈顯著正相關。不同的店內氣氛刺激對心境的影響不同,主要表現為積極心境和消極心境兩個維度。商店氣氛越好,越有利於消費者形成積極的心境。相反,商店氣氛不好,消費者更容易形成消極心理。二、心境通過心境調控動機進而影響店內瀏覽。分析結果顯示心境是店內環境刺激和衝動性購買之間關鍵的仲介變數。心境自我調控動機確實是一個可以測量的變數,並作用於本研究心境和衝動性購買中間。心境是不是可以引發心境自我調控動機是導致心境對衝動性購買影響的重要原因,只有在人們選擇店內瀏覽調控心境的情況下,才有可能產生強烈的衝動性購買慾望。第三、構建的整合模型得到了實證支援。這說明以店內氣氛刺激通過心境、心境自我調控、店內流覽這些仲介變數對衝動性購買的影響研究是科學合理的。整合模型的建立無疑促進了我們更全面地解釋商店氣氛因數如何影響衝動性購買行為。
In this study, the mood control behavior, designed as the connection point, combined with the situation and the mood as composite view to examine the influencing mechanism of in-store stimulation on impulsive buying. Through reviewing literature about the impulsive purchase, the store atmosphere, the mood , we analyze the shortcomings and limitations of the existing research. According to the previous analyses, we point out specific process about how the atmospheres of store influence impulsive
purchase through the customers’ mood. Through questionnaire survey and empirical analysis to explore whether the store’s environment stimuli have
effect on consumers’ impulse buying behavior.
Through software SPSS 22.0 and Lisrel 8.70 empirical study, we get the following conclusions. Firstly, the results of this study show that the stores’ environment, including atmosphere factors, social factors and design factors was significantly and positively correlated to the customers’ mood. The better stores’ environment, the better customers’ mood will be. Secondly, via system of adjusting mood, customers’ mood will significantly influence customer browsing in the shop. From the results of analysis, we
can find that customers’ mood is an intermediary variable between the store's environmental stimuli and the impulse buying behavior. The stores’
environment has great effect on the customers’ mood. The customers’ mood has great effect on the customer browsing in the shop. The more time customer browsing in the shop, the more chance customer will buy the products. Thirdly, the results show that combining store's environmental stimuli and system of adjusting mood is reasonable and appropriate.Undoubtedly, the establishment of integrative model promotes a complete explanation of how in-store factors affect impulse buying behavior.
Therefore, if companies want to occupy a place in the fierce market competition, they just rely on product quality to meet the needs of customers is not enough, but also need to make an effort in the store atmosphere. The conclusions of this paper can assist managers to work out decisions that meet the demands of customers, so that the enterprises may grasp their core competitiveness in dynamic competitions to reach the higher marketing targets.
致 謝...........................................................................................................II
摘 要......................................................................................................... III
Abstract .......................................................................................................V
圖目錄....................................................................................................... IX
第一章 緒論............................................................................................1
1.1 選題背景.......................................................................................1
1.2 研究目標.......................................................................................3
1.3 研究內容及流程...........................................................................3
1.4 選題意義.......................................................................................5
第二章 文獻綜述........................................................................................8
2.1 衝動性購買行為相關研究...........................................................8
2.2 店內氣氛的相關研究................................................................ 26
2.3 心境相關研究............................................................................ 29
2.4 心境自我調控............................................................................ 33
2.5 店內瀏覽相關研究.................................................................... 36
第三章 理論模型及研究假設................................................................. 41
3.1 研究框架.................................................................................... 41
3.2 研究假設.................................................................................... 42
第四章 研究方法與設計......................................................................... 48
4.1 研究對象.................................................................................... 48
4.2 研究工具.................................................................................... 48
4.3 問卷設計 ....................................................................................50
4.4 資料分析方法 ............................................................................52
第五章 資料分析 .....................................................................................54
5.1 描述性統計分析 ........................................................................54
5.2 信度分析 ....................................................................................55
5.3 效度分析 ....................................................................................57
5.4 建立結構方程 ............................................................................59
5.5 以模型路徑係數檢驗假設 ........................................................66
第六章 研究結論與建議 .........................................................................76
6.1 研究討論及結論 ........................................................................76
6.2 研究貢獻 ....................................................................................79
6.3 研究局限及研究展望 ................................................................82
參考文獻 ...................................................................................................84
作者簡歷 ...................................................................................................97
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