CITYU Theses & Dissertations
Culture-Oriented Sporting Event Tourism : A Tourist Experience Model of Naadam
Culture-Oriented Sporting Event Tourism : A Tourist Experience Model of Naadam
Culture oriented sporting event tourism (CSET) : Tourist experience ; Naadam; Flow ; Communtias ; Perception of sacredness
Culture oriented sporting event tourism (CSET) : Tourist experience : Naadam; Flow : Communtias : Perception of sacredness
By exploring Naadam, a cultural sporting event in the prairie of Inner Mongolia, China, the paper examines a tourist experience model of culture-oriented sporting events. The main object of the present research is to provide a better understanding of tourist experience by developing a tourist experiential framework that incorporates eight central concepts of consumer behavior: destination culture interest, program quality, perceived authenticity, communitas, flow experience, perception of sacredness, event engagement, and event loyalty under the context of culture-oriented sporting event tourism. The eight constructs anchor the stages of initiation of behavior, experience, and post-consumption intentions. Each construct and the linkages among the constructs are conceptualized by the sound theoretical foundation. The study is based on participant observation and thus includes material drawn from observation, informal and formal interviews, personal experiences, and on-site surveys. Lisrel was employed to test the construct validity of the scale items. Structural equation modeling was conducted to explore the relationships between the study variables. SPSS was employed to do the demographic analysis, mediation analysis and mean analysis. From the analysis, it can be seen that the relationships between destination culture interest, program quality, authenticity, communitas, flow experience, perception of sacredness, event engagement, and event loyalty are significantly positive.
Further, perceived sacredness partially moderates the relationship between flow experience and event engagement, communitas, and event engagement. Event engagement partially moderates the relationship between perceived sacredness and loyalty to the event. The study also indicated that female attendees generally had a higher level of evaluation regarding how cultural sporting events such as Naadam could better enrich one’s cultural connection as well as perceptions of sacredness and authenticity arising from the event. Moreover, Mongolian respondents have a stronger desire to connect with their own culture through the event than other ethnic groups do. The research provides both theoretical contributions and practical implications in conceptualizing the culture-oriented sporting event tourism, the nonreligious application of perception sacredness on culture-oriented sporting event tourism, the examination of the tourist experience model. Future research can focus on a culture-oriented sporting event other than Naadam, or events in other countries, and focus on potential mediators and moderators of the relationship.
By exploring Naadam, a cultural sporting event in the prairie of Inner Mongolia, China, the paper examines a tourist experience model of culture-oriented sporting events. The main object of the present research is to provide a better understanding of tourist experience by developing a tourist experiential framework that incorporates eight central concepts of consumer behavior: destination culture interest, program quality, perceived authenticity, communitas, flow experience, perception of sacredness, event engagement, and event loyalty under the context of culture-oriented sporting event tourism. The eight constructs anchor the stages of initiation of behavior, experience, and post-consumption intentions. Each construct and the linkages among the constructs are conceptualized by the sound theoretical foundation. The study is based on participant observation and thus includes material drawn from observation, informal and formal interviews, personal experiences, and on-site surveys. Lisrel was employed to test the construct validity of the scale items. Structural equation modeling was conducted to explore the relationships between the study variables. SPSS was employed to do the demographic analysis, mediation analysis and mean analysis. From the analysis, it can be seen that the relationships between destination culture interest, program quality, authenticity, communitas, flow experience, perception of sacredness, event engagement, and event loyalty are significantly positive.
Further, perceived sacredness partially moderates the relationship between flow experience and event engagement, communitas, and event engagement. Event engagement partially moderates the relationship between perceived sacredness and loyalty to the event. The study also indicated that female attendees generally had a higher level of evaluation regarding how cultural sporting events such as Naadam could better enrich one’s cultural connection as well as perceptions of sacredness and authenticity arising from the event. Moreover, Mongolian respondents have a stronger desire to connect with their own culture through the event than other ethnic groups do. The research provides both theoretical contributions and practical implications in conceptualizing the culture-oriented sporting event tourism, the nonreligious application of perception sacredness on culture-oriented sporting event tourism, the examination of the tourist experience model. Future research can focus on a culture-oriented sporting event other than Naadam, or events in other countries, and focus on potential mediators and moderators of the relationship.
Acknowledgements I
Abstract III
List of Figures VII
List of Tables VIII
Chapter One. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research questions, purpose, and objective 2
1.3 Significance of the research 5
1.4 Summary 7
Chapter Two. Literature Review 9
2.1 Overview 9
2.2 Culture Oriented Sporting Event Tourism 10
2.2.1 Tourism study related to the sports event 10
2.2.2 Tourism studies related to the cultural event 14
2.2.3 The conceptualization of culture-oriented sporting event tourism 16
2.3 Tourist experience 16
2.3.1 The conceptualization of tourist experience 16
2.3.2 Tourism studies related to the tourist experience 18
2.4 Destination culture interest 22
2.4.1 The conceptualization of destination culture interest 22
2.4.2 Tourism studies related to culture interest 24
2.5 Program quality 28
2.5.1 The conceptualization of program quality 28
2.5.2 Tourism studies related to program quality 30
2.6 Perceived authenticity 34
2.6.1 The concept of perceived authenticity 34
2.6.2 Tourism studies related to perceived authenticity 36
2.7 Communitas 44
2.7.1 The concept of communitas 44
2.7.2 Literature in marketing and tourism about communitas 45
2.8 Flow experience 50
2.8.1 The theory of flow 50
2.8.2 Tourism studies related to flow 52
2.9 Perception of Sacredness 56
2.9.1 The concept of perceptions of sacredness 56
2.9.2 Tourism literature related to sacredness 57
2.10 Event engagement 61
2.10.1 The concept of event engagement 61
2.10.2 Tourism studies related to event engagement 62
2.11 Loyalty to the event 69
2.11.1 The theory of loyalty 69
2.11.2 Tourism studies related to loyalty 70
2.12 Theoretical framework and operational model 75
2.12.1 Description of primary constructs 75
2.12.2 Theoretical foundations and hypotheses development 76
Chapter Three. Methodology 87
3.1 Naadam festival 87
3.1.1 Introduction on Naadam 87
3.1.2 Naadams in Inner Mongolia, China 92
3.1.3 Naadams in the banner of East Ujimqin, Damao, and Siziwang 95
3.2 Data collection and analysis methods 98
3.3 Measurements and survey instrument 101
Chapter Four. Research Results 108
4.1 Introduction 108
4.2 Sample characteristics and distribution 108
4.3 Confirmatory factor analysis 111
4.4 Structural model and hypothesis testing 116
4.5 Mean analysis and hypothesis testing 121
Chapter Five. Discussion and Conclusions 125
5.1 Conclusions 125
5.2 Discussion 125
5.3 Theoretical contributions 129
5.4 Managerial contributions to Naadam 133
5.5 Managerial contribution to Chinese culture-oriented sporting event tourism 136
5.6 Limitations and future research directions 139
Bibliography 141
Curriculum Vitae 168
Appendices. Survey of Naadam 169
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