CITYU Theses & Dissertations
消費者環保涉入程度對環保餐飲效益影響之研究 : 以麥當勞餐廳為例
The Impact of Consumers' Environmental Protection Involvement on Environmentally Friendly Restaurants
消費者 ; 環保 ; 環保餐飲 ; 效益 ; 麥當勞餐廳
Consumer ; Environmental protection ; Environmentally friendly catering ; Benefit ; McDonald's
Today's society advocates an environmentally friendly and resource - saving social system, and the imperative is to develop green and environmentally friendly catering, which is the top priority to achieve sustainable development strategic goals and resource intensification. Among them, sustainability and following ecological principles are used to improve and satisfy consumers' dining comfort. Advocating green catering is not only a move in line with the development trend of the times, but also an important measure to enhance the brand effect of the catering industry and enhance its overall competitiveness. However, due to the gradual development of green catering, it also brings us many problems. Based on this, this article starts from the concept, background and development process of green catering, and studies the impact of environmental protection on the benefits of environmental protection from the perspective of consumer environmental protection. It explores the relationship between consumers and the development of environmental protection and its industry. The development of the international tourism and catering industry provides new thinking.
In the research, customer environmental involvement, customer - related needs, internal management needs, public welfare needs and environmental protection catering benefits all have significant impacts. Customer-related needs, internal management needs, public welfare needs and customer environmental involvement and customer-related needs, There is a strong positive correlation between internal management needs, public welfare needs and environmental protection catering benefits. Due to different differences and influences, it is proved that different strategies and management can be made more effective in different aspects. However, there is no significant difference in gender, age, and income in environmental protection involvement. In terms of educational background, the degree of university education is higher than that of middle school and elementary school, indicating that the degree of environmental protection involvement of college students is higher.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章-緒論 1
1.1-研究背景 1
1.1.1-澳門旅遊發展資訊 2
1.1.2-澳門速食餐飲的發展現況 4
1.1.3-澳門飲食偏好 5
1.1.4-國際對綠色環保(自備餐具)餐飲的推廣 5
1.1.5-澳門政府努力保護環境 7
1.2-研究動機 8
1.2.1-全球速食餐飲業對於禁用(減用)吸管的情況 8
1.2.2-澳門麥當勞推行進用麥麥走飲管的情況 10
1.3-研究目的 11
1.4-研究對象和範圍 11
1.5-研究的流程 12
1.6-論文結構 13
第二章-文獻綜述 14
2.1-環保 14
2.2-環保,綠色和可持續發展之間有何區別 15
2.3-綠色消費 16
2.4-綠色行銷 19
2.4.1-綠色行銷的定義 19
2.4.2-綠色行銷的特點 20
2.5-效益 21
2.6-綠色環保餐飲 22
2.7-澳門環境保護法律及廣告計畫 22
2.8-環境保護的涉入 28
2.8.1-定義 28
2.8.2-涉入度的相關分類 29
2.8.3-影響涉入之因素 29
2.8.4-衡量環保涉入度 30
第三章-研究方法 30
3.1-研究主題簡介 31
3.2-研究的架構 31
3.3-研究假設 32
3.4-變數操作的定義 33
3.4.1-涉入環境保護的業務定義 33
3.4.2-環保餐飲需求操作性定義 34
3.4.3綠色餐飲效益操作性之定義 36
3.5-問卷的衡量與設計 37
3.6-研究範圍、對象和方法 38
3.7-分析資料方法 38
3.7.1-描述性統計之分析 39
3.7.2-獨立樣本T檢驗 39
3.7.3-可靠性之分析 39
3.7.4-單因數變異之分析 40
3.7.5-相關分析 40
3.7.6-回歸分析 40
第四章-資料分析與結果 40
4.1-研究樣本的背景項分析 41
4.1.1-人口統計之變項 41
4.1.2-描述性統計分析 45
4.2-研究樣本顧客相關需求分析 46
4.3-研究樣本內部管理需求分析 48
4.4-研究樣本公益需求分析 50
4.5-研究樣本環保餐飲效益分析 51
4.6-研究樣本環保涉入分析 54
4.7-研究樣本獨立T檢驗分析 56
4.8研究樣本單因數變異分析 57
4.8.1-不同的年齡與環保涉入程度的分析 57
4.8.2-不同的學歷與環保涉入程度的分析 59
4.8.3-不同的收入與環保涉入程度的分析 60
4.9-相關分析 61
4.10-回歸分析 63
第五章-結論與建議 64
5.1-結論 64
5.2-建議 65
5.2.1-研究限制 68
參考文獻 69
作者簡介 73
附錄 74
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