The Study of Relationship among Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Brand Image, Brand Loyalty and Consumer Purchase Intention : As Big Cow beef hot pot restaurant in Shenzhen an example
With the development of science and technology, consumers want to buy products through friends and family to share news from the past. Using of the Internet platform to know the relevant information of the product, which there are many factors will affect this relationship. In this study, to explore the relations of electronic word of mouth, brand image, brand loyalty and consumers purchase intention.
This study mainly explores the relationship between electronic word of mouth, brand image, brand loyalty and consumer willingness to buy. In this study, consumers who have purchased hot pot restaurants in Shenzhen and China are used as research samples, and physical questionnaires and online questionnaires are used as the main methods. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed. After removing invalid questionnaires, the effective questionnaires were 390 and the recovery rate was 97.5 %.
This research uses regression analysis to conduct an empirical analysis of the influence of electronic word of mouth, brand image, and brand loyalty on purchase intention. The analysis results show that electronic word of mouth has a positive correlation with brand image, brand loyalty, and purchase intention; brand image and brand loyalty also have positive correlations with purchase intention.
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