CITYU Theses & Dissertations
Research on Brazil's Economic Develpment and social Justice During President Lula's Reign
盧拉總統 ; 巴西 ; 經濟增長 ; 社會公正
President Lula ; Brazil ; Economic growth ; Social justice
These two characteristics of inequitable income distribution and social polarization have long had a significant impact on the modernization of the Latin American region. Brazil has prominent features in Latin American countries. In 2003, Lula formally assumed the presidency.Around the time when Lula officially came to power, Brazil encountered major social and economic problems. As a core reform measure, the neo-liberalism promoted in the 1990s helped Brazil maintain a relatively stable macroeconomic system in the subsequent period and effectively control the existing fiscal deficits. However, when it was developed into the 1990s, Brazil's economic system was extremely fragile, which led to serious financial turbulence, social injustice became more serious, and social conflicts intensified.
During the Lula government, while implementing a pragmatic economic policy and promoting economic growth, the Labor Party government also pursued an active social policy aimed at combating poverty and seeking social justice. Brazilian social policy embodies the development concept of “inclusive development”. It emphasizes the legitimacy of policies and the scientificity of top-level design. It has clear policy goals and extensive social participation. It has achieved significant results in reducing poverty and demonstrated strong social governance capabilities.
However, the lax disciplines in the financial system, the huge social expenditures, the problems in the retirement system, and unreasonable rescue planning have led to relatively large fiscal pressures. Therefore, in the process of maintaining relatively rapid economic growth in Brazil, it is necessary to point out that the entire society should adopt supporting integration and streamlined treatment, take full consideration of the special characteristics of the poor, and strengthen the targeting of the middle class in the new stage of medical care and education. Dimensional requirements, increase the coverage efficiency of related measures, and achieve more ideal service quality.
致 謝 I
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景以及問題的由來 1
1.2 研究目標和方法、內容定義、框架 4
1.2.1 研究目標 4
1.2.2 研究方法 6
1.2.3 內容定義 7
1.2.4 結構框架 9
1.3 可能的創新與不足 11
第二章 相關文獻綜述及研究進展 13
2.1 國內對巴西經濟增長與社會公正的相關研究 13
2.2 國外對巴西經濟增長與社會公正的相關研究 19
第三章 盧拉總統當政前巴西經濟與社會發展的歷程 24
3.1 巴西經濟發展歷程 24
3.1.1 巴西經濟發展的歷程 24
3.1.2 巴西經濟發展的特點 44
3.2 社會公正的發展 50
3.2.1 巴西的貧困和收入分配的兩極分化 50
3.2.2 巴西的社會地區差異 54
3.3 經濟發展與社會公正存在的問題 57
3.3.1 巴西的醫療、教育、住房問題 57
3.3.2 巴西的貧困與收入分配兩極分化的原因分析 70
3.3.3 巴西社會保障體系存在的問題 84
第四章 盧拉總統當政時期巴西的經濟與社會政策 95
4.1 盧拉政府推動巴西經濟增長的政策 95
4.1.1 穩經濟、減赤字、控通脹 95
4.1.2 吸引國內外投資,減少外部脆弱性 100
4.1.3 重點扶持國有企業,加強政府宏觀調控 103
4.2 盧拉政府促進社會公正的政策 105
4.2.1 盧拉政府的“零饑餓”計劃 106
4.2.2 盧拉政府的“家庭補助金”計劃 112
4.2.3 盧拉政府的“第一次就業”計劃 119
4.2.4 解決貧困和舒緩收入分配的其他政策 121
4.3 盧拉政府的政策效果 125
4.3.1 宏觀經濟表現 125
4.3.2 盧拉政府宏觀經濟政策的社會影響 132
4.3.3 盧拉總統當政時期(2003-2011)巴西的社會進步 135
第五章 盧拉總統當政時期巴西經濟增長與社會公正的關係 140
5.1 經濟增長、社會公正二者注重協調發展 140
5.2 對巴西經濟社會現代化發展歷程的思考 143
第六章 結論與展望 148
6.1 關於經濟增長與社會公正相互關係的理論思考 148
6.2 對巴西經濟增長和社會公正兩大目標共同實現和相互促進的展望 155
參考文獻 161
作者簡歷 170
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