CITYU Theses & Dissertations
交通警察壓力知覺, 社會支援與綜合幸福感的關係研究 : 以林口縣交通警察大隊為例
A study on the relationship among stress perception, Social support and Comprehensive well-being of Traffic Police : taking the Traffic Police Battalion of Linkou County as an example.
壓力知覺 ; 社會支持 ; 綜合幸福感 ; 交通警察
stress perception ; social support ; comprehensive well-being ; traffic police
The police is the foundation of the basic security work in our country and will always stick to the front line of protecting the people.The research on the perception of stress, social support and comprehensive well-being of the police group is of far-reaching significance to the group itself, the country and the people. Stress perception is the individual's cognition and evaluation of the personal meaning of the stimulating factors in the living environment, which leads to individual psychological confusion, tension and out of control. Social support measures the degree of assistance received by individuals from three aspects: subjective feelings, objective conditions and the use of support. Comprehensive well-being is a comprehensive evaluation of individual state from a subjective and objective perspective. Relevant studies have shown that these three are related. The purpose of this study is to understand the specific situation of stress perception, social support and comprehensive well-being of the police group and the relationship among them, which can not only make the police group understand their own situation. It can also provide sufficient information for the psychological research of the police group, so as to continue to strengthen or adjust the follow-up mental health work according to the research results. Based on the theories of related research at home and abroad, this study used "pressure perception scale", "Social support scale" and "Comprehensive Happiness scale" to conduct a questionnaire survey on 276 people of the traffic police brigade in Linkou County, Heilongjiang Province. The results were analyzed by SPSS22.0. The results show that:
(1)The level of pressure perception of traffic police is high, the level of social support is medium, and the level of comprehensive well-being is low.
(2)There is a significant negative correlation between traffic police stress perception and comprehensive well-being, and a significant positive correlation between social support and comprehensive well-being.
(3)As a moderating variable, social support can directly have a positive effect on overall well-being, and can also reduce the negative effect of stress perception on overall well-being.
(4)The combined explanation rate of stress perception and social support to the comprehensive well-being of traffic police is 48.5%.
致 謝 I
摘 要 III
Abstract V
圖目錄 10
表目錄 11
第一章 緒 論 13
1.1 選題背景 13
1.2 研究意義 14
1.2.1理論意義 14
1.2.2 實踐意義 15
第二章 文獻綜述 16
2.1 壓力知覺的文獻綜述 16
2.1.1 壓力 16
2.1.2 壓力知覺 18
2.2.3 壓力知覺的測量 19
2.2.4 國內外相關研究 20
2.2 社會支持的文獻綜述 23
2.2.1 社會支持 23
2.2.2 社會支持理論 25
2.2.3 社會支持的測量 26
2.2.4 國內外相關研究 27
2.3 綜合幸福感的文獻綜述 30
2.3.1 幸福感 30
2.3.2 幸福感的理論模型 32
2.3.3 綜合幸福感 34
2.3.4 綜合幸福感的測量 34
2.3.5 國內外相關研究 36
2.4 壓力知覺、社會支持和綜合幸福感的關係研究 38
第三章 問題提出與研究設計 41
3.1 問題提出 41
3.2 研究設計 41
3.2.1研究目的 41
3.2.2 研究對象 41
3.2.4 研究方法 43
3.2.5 研究工具 44
3.2.6 研究程式 44
3.2.7 數據處理方法 45
第四章 研究結果 46
4.1 量表的信效度檢驗 46
4.1.1 信度檢驗結果 46
4.1.2效度檢驗結果 47
4.2 交通警察壓力知覺基本情況 47
4.2.1 壓力知覺現狀分析 47
4.2.2 壓力知覺在人口變數和類別上的差異分析 48
4.3 交通警察社會支持基本情況 52
4.3.1 社會支持現狀分析 52
4.3.2 社會支持在人口變數和類別上的差異分析 52
4.4 交通警察綜合幸福感基本情況 56
4.4.1 綜合幸福感基本現狀 56
4.4.2 綜合幸福感在人口變數及類別上的差異 57
4.5 交通警察壓力知覺、社會支持和綜合幸福感關係 63
第五章 分析與討論 69
5.1 訪談結果分析 69
5.2 交通警察壓力知覺研究 69
5.2.1 交通警察壓力知覺現狀分析 69
5.2.2 降低交通警察壓力知覺水準的建議 71
5.3 社會支持研究 71
5.3.1 交通警察社會支持現狀分析 71
5.3.2 提高交通警察社會支持水準的建議 72
5.4 綜合幸福感研究 72
5.4.1 交通警察綜合幸福感現狀分析 72
5.4.2 提高交通警察綜合幸福感水準的建議 73
5.5 壓力知覺、社會支持和綜合幸福感關係研究 74
5.5.1 壓力知覺、社會支持對綜合幸福感的影響 74
5.5.2 社會支持在壓力知覺對綜合幸福感影響中的調節作用 75
5.5.3 建議 75
5.6 研究特色、不足與展望 75
5.6.1 研究特色 75
5.6.2 研究不足與展望 76
第六章 結論 77
參考文獻 78
作者簡歷 83
附 錄 84
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