The Psychology of the Heart is the combination of Jungian psychology analysis and the “core wisdom” in Chinese culture. It’s the development of Jung's analytical psychology, but also the trace of origin thereof. Through interviews with psychological counselors, researcher want to explore the effects of the applications of Counseling Psychology of the Heart in counseling. Try to gain clear ideas of how it affects counselors and visitors in counseling, analyze the significance of this combination, and how this combination influence both counselors and visitors’ inner growth. The study shows these the impacts (1) The effects of the combination of Jungian psychology analysis and the “core Chinese wisdom” in Counseling are more like to provide counselors with “anchors.” With the presence of “anchors” allows counselors to watch themselves,to watch visitors and their Counseling Relationships to an extreme. (2) This combination is the development of Jung's analytical psychology, as well as the trace of origin thereof. The understanding and using of the “core Chinese wisdom”, make the therapeutic effects from “treat symptoms” to deep “cure”. (3) Psychology of the Heart provides a very convenient and effective theoretical and practical help in counselors’ personal inner growth. This growth can also help visitors to face their own problems better and develop their own heart further.
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