CITYU Theses & Dissertations
The expression and development of architecture in landscape painting
傳統山水畫 ; 現代山水畫 ; 筆墨語言 ; 建築 ; 創新
Traditional landscape painting ; Modern landscape painting ; Pen and ink language ; building ; innovation
We observe them of Chinese landscape painting from the ancient works, it is not difficult to find the paintings of all time is on the basis of inheriting predecessors, adapt to changing times culture is created by its own characteristics, rather than a machine to take to move, and traditional landscape painting to our way of performance to some extent we can as a medium of cognition to subjective cognitive structures, ancient and modern.The unique way of cognition and expression of the Chinese people describe the natural images of the mountains and rivers in their lives, which drives the development of traditional landscape painting. The theme of landscape painting is a schematic expression of Chinese landscape culture by literati painters, whose influence scope at that time is unimaginable. Among them, the understanding of nature and abstract expression of the way to observe the world is a basic attitude towards nature and human. The traditional landscape painting combined with the spatial layout of natural conditions, followed the principle of integrity, and created the ideal living environment of the ancients.Living in a different era, we should subjectively change our painting techniques in the face of the city scene and seek for a greater breakthrough. Chinese traditional culture is the embodiment of Chinese national cohesion and national confidence, but also provides an important opportunity for the self-development of Chinese culture. Era of Chinese landscape painting is a culture, urban culture and even the important carrier of Chinese culture, traditional landscape painting the bridge for the urban landscape architecture, also gave us the modern city landscape painting creation motivation, we inherit the traditional at the same time, constantly looking for the definition of urban landscape should be in writing, to city and life, integration of city and nature, finally realize the unity of nature and artistic conception.
致 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 錄 V
圖目錄 I
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 選題背景及意義 1
1.2 研究現狀分析 3
1.2.1 研究目標 4
1.2.2 研究方法 5
1.2.3 研究內容 5
1.3 預期成果 6
1.3.1 論文工作計畫 6
1.3.2 本人工作內容 6
第二章 傳統山水中建築的審美表現 8
2.1 筆墨語言 8
2.2 造型及構圖形式 11
2.3 畫面意境神韻 14
第三章 現代山水中建築的審美表現 19
3.1 筆墨語言 20
3.2 構成形式 25
3.3 畫面精神內涵 28
第四章 傳統山水畫中建築物像表達方式對現代山水畫表現的影響 32
第五章 現代山水畫中“城市景觀”的發展意義 34
5.1 現實意義 34
5.2 文化意義 36
5.3 創新意義 37
第六章 結語 40
參考文獻 43
作者簡歷 45
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