With the rapid development of economy, the enrichment of material resources and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the material needs have been unable to meet the daily life of consumers, they pay more attention to the higher level of spiritual quality and quality of life, pay attention to personality taste and fashion. The rapid rise of popular brands is one of the fastest growing areas in the domestic clothing industry in recent years. In particular, the entry and occupation of foreign fast fashion brands in the domestic market make the competition between clothing enterprises more intense. Why are consumers so keen on fast fashion brands? What kind of value do consumers pursue in fast fashion brand consumption? What are the differences among consumers of all ages? To solve these problems will undoubtedly bring enlightenment to the development of Chinese fast fashion clothing brands. In order to explore the relationship between intergenerational difference, perceived value, purchase intention and purchase behavior, this study referred to a large number of domestic and foreign literature, combined with the theory of perceived value and intergenerational difference, established a model, and verified the model with empirical method. This study uses the method of questionnaire survey and SPSS statistical software to sort out and analyze the collected data. It is found that the differences between generations make consumers have different perceived value of products. Perceived value will also affect consumers' purchase intention, and then affect their behavior. The conclusion of this study provides a reference for the marketing of domestic fast fashion enterprises.
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