Nursing home in Macao needs to alter the current operating strategy so as to keep up with the trend of the ageing population.
This study adopts qualitative research method and uses the framework of the 'CORPS' model. This study adopted semi-structured interviews and interview questions based on previous studies. In-depth interviews were conducted with the operators and the employees of the public and private nursing home in Macao. Finally, the collected data was analyzed by using the ground theory.
The results of the study found that both types of nursing homes are operation stably and show their uniqueness after internal planning ; however, their manpower and service quality are significantly different owing to lack of resources.
Both of the nursing homes are suggested to create unique reserve of resources for long-term operation. Macau SAR government should also help to maintain service quality by providing service evaluation.
The limitation of this research is that not every nursing home in Macao has been interviewed. Thus, the result in this research does not represent the operating strategies of the entire industry in the Macao context.
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