Food as a part of the culture, food culture behind many influencing factors, geographical location, climate environment, historical background and context, multi-racial culture, customs and beliefs, etc., a variety of factors are closely linked, breeding the connotation of diverse food culture in different regions. Portugal, which is bordered by the sea, is deeply influenced by the Mediterranean diet in terms of dietary characteristics, this paper starts from the perspective of public nutrition, tries to use the theory of nutrition as the basis, analyzes from the aspects of ingredients, cooking methods, eating habits, etc., to find out the characteristics and generalities of Portuguese food culture, and further compare the former colonies that have been influenced by Portuguese food culture in the past, including Brazil, Macao, China and other places, in order to explore the influence of Portuguese food culture on the food culture of former colonies.
Through the design of the interview topic outline, the in-depth interview of Portuguese food and cooking professionals, and based on the content text data obtained in the interview, with the help of NVivo 12 software content analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: the characteristics of the Portuguese diet can be divided into the characteristics of ingredients and the characteristics of eating habits. The ingredients are characterized by tomatoes, onions, cod and olive oil. The characteristics of eating habits are: foreign ingredients and tolerance absorption. While Portugal absorbs the dietary patterns of other countries, it will also retain its own eating habits in other countries or regions, thus producing new food cultures, such as Brazilian Portuguese cuisine and Macau Macanese cuisine.Through the analysis of the nutritional value of the characteristic ingredients, it is concluded that the Portuguese diet is a healthy eating model that meets the requirements of contemporary nutrition.
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