CITYU Theses & Dissertations
照顧負擔對焦慮的影響 : 居家養老服務可及性的調節作用
The Effect of Care Burden on Anxiety : The Moderating Effect of Home-based Care Services
家庭照顧者 ; 照顧負擔 ; 焦慮 ; 居家養老服務可及性
Family Caregivers ; Care Burden ; Anxiety ; Home Care Services
本研究爲探究家庭照顧者照顧負擔對焦慮的影響,以壓力過程模型理論爲基礎、城市居家老人的家庭照顧者爲研究對象;使用問卷調查法,以一般人口學問卷、KATZ 指數、Zarit照顧者負擔量表(ZBI)、社區居家養老服務可及性的評價指標體系、焦慮自評量表(SAS)為研究工具收集資料。回收樣本303份,使用SPSS對數據進行描述性統計、方差分析、相關性分析、回歸分析,得到研究結果並進行討論。
The Chinese population is rapidly aging, and the aging problem is getting more and more serious. Most of the elderly choose to live at home because of traditional concepts and pension policies. As more and more elderly people choose family care, the number of family caregivers is also increasing. Family caregivers not only need to take care of the elderly, but also have other social responsibilities. The physical and mental health of family caregivers can be adversely affected when caregivers are overburdened.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanisms underlying the effect of care burden on anxiety. The pressure process model theory is the theoretical basis of this research. The subjects of the study were family caregivers of older adults living in cities. The questionnaires used in this study included the Basic Information Questionnaire, the Katz Scale, the ZBI Scale, the SAS Scale, and the Scale of Accessibility to Home-based Aged Care Services. A total of 303 questionnaires were collected after the survey. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed on SPSS software.
Through statistical analysis, the following conclusions were drawn. Family caregivers of older adults living in cities had mild care burdens and moderate anxiety. Anxiety levels were higher among family caregivers caring for older males, older adults with more illness, and older adults with disabilities. Family caregivers also had higher anxiety levels when they had low incomes, poor health, and when they were raising minor children. Care burden had a significant effect on anxiety. Anxiety levels were higher when the burden of care was heavier. Access to home care services exerted a moderating effect when caregiving burden had an effect on anxiety.
Based on the research findings, this study made recommendations in terms of policy, society, and family. First of all, the government should adhere to the development direction with home-based care as the core,and integrate formal care resources with informal care resources. What’s more, society needed to pay more attention to family caregivers. Social institutions should improve services for family caregivers. Last but not least, family caregivers needed to care for themselves and seek support from the family.
致 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract IV
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究問題 2
1.3相關概念界定 3
1.3.1老年人 3
1.3.2家庭照顧者 3
1.3.3照顧負擔 4
1.3.4焦慮 4
1.3.5居家養老服務可及性 5
1.4研究意義 5
1.4.1理論意義 5
1.4.2 現實意義 6
第二章 文獻綜述 7
2.1國內外研究現狀 7
2.1.1關于照顧者照顧負擔的研究 7
2.1.2關於照顧者焦慮的研究 7
2.1.3關於照顧者社會支持與居家養老服務的研究 8
2.1.4關於照顧負擔與焦慮的研究 10
2.1.5關於焦慮與社會支持的研究 11
2.1.6關於照顧負擔與社會支持的研究 11
2.1.7研究評述 12
2.2 研究間隙 12
第三章 研究設計與方法 14
3.1研究思路 14
3.1.1理論基礎 15
3.1.2研究假設 16
3.2研究工具 16
3.2.1一般人口學問卷 16
3.2.2 KATZ 指數 17
3.2.3 Zarit照顧者負擔量表(ZBI) 17
3.2.4社區居家養老服務可及性的評價指標體系 17
3.2.5焦慮自評量表(SAS) 18
3.3研究方法 18
3.3.1資料收集方法 19
3.3.2資料分析方法 19
第四章 研究結果 21
4.1描述性統計 21
4.1.1變量的測量與處理 21
4.1.2描述性統計 24
4.2推論性統計 30
4.2.1家庭照顧者焦慮的單因素方差分析 30
4.2.2焦慮、照顧負擔和居家養老服務可及性的相關性分析 33
4.2.3焦慮、照顧負擔和居家養老服務可及性的回歸分析 33
第五章 結論與討論 39
5.1結論 39
5.2討論 40
5.2.1家庭照顧者基本情况 40
5.2.2家庭照顧者焦慮水平在人口學因素中的差异 47
5.2.3照顧負擔、居家養老服務可及性與焦慮的關係 50
第六章 貢獻與建議 55
6.1研究貢獻 55
6.1.1理論層面 55
6.1.2現實層面 55
6.2建議 57
6.2.1政策層面 57
6.2.2社會層面 59
6.2.3家庭層面 60
6.3研究不足與展望 61
6.3.1研究不足 61
6.3.2研究展望 63
參考文獻 64
作者簡歷 78
附錄:調查問卷 79
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