第二部分,考察曼陀羅繪畫對更年期綜合征治療的作用與幸福感提升的程度。研究 2 採用曼陀羅繪畫治療更年期綜合征以及幸福感提升的效果。結果顯示:15 個個案基本上都是按照從意識層面入手,慢慢進入無意識層面,再到更深層的無意識此階段童年或過往的創傷可以展現出來,然後經歷修通階段,最後達到意識層面(現實)的軌跡進行自性化過程。通過八次曼陀羅繪畫治療,15 個個案的總體幸福感前測與後測進行了對比,經過 T 檢驗,達到了十分顯著的水準,且總體幸福感後測的信度係數也是較高(.826)。
第三部分,研究 3 採用 CHI FRACTAL 分形動態生物分析系統檢測更年期婦女心身健康情況。本研究安排在第一次,第四次,第八次曼陀羅繪畫後當場進行 CHI FRACTAL 分形動態生物分析系統檢測。
Now people also have a new understanding of health, no only without disease , but from the overall concept of physical and mental health development. Every middle-aged woman has to go through
menopause, during which psychological and physical changes occur simultaneously (Zhu Yongmei, 2010). Previous studies have shown that middle-aged women do not care about physical and mental changes at the same time when they enter the menopause stage, and most of them take drugs to relieve the physical discomfort brought by menopause, but ignore the psychological changes themselves. Happiness is the goal of human pursuit and the feeling of the realization of individual value. To get the mind of happiness is the goal of human life and motivation. Bad mood is the root of all diseases. Therefore, it may be a good measure to use pictorial expressive therapy to prevent and treat menopausal syndrome. At present, there are few empirical studies on the treatment of menopausal syndrome with mandala painting, and the means and technology of comprehensive examination are not perfect from the level of physical and mental health . Although there are many unilateral studies, few have considered the overall psychological and physical factors of menopausal syndrome. Therefore, this paper takes menopausal women as the research object, and conducts a three-part study. The first part ( Study1 ) examines the relationship between menopausal syndrome, anxiety and general happiness. The results show that more than 80% of menopausal women have symptoms of menopausal syndrome, and nearly half of menopausal women have symptoms of anxiety. There is a significant positive correlation between menopause syndrome and anxiety, and a significant negative correlation between menopause syndrome and overall happiness. There is also a significant negative correlation between anxiety and overall happiness with high reliability of menopausal syndrome, anxiety and general happiness , and the very significant mediating effect of menopausal syndrome between anxiety and general happiness . The second part investigates the effect of mandala painting on the treatment of menopausal syndrome and the degree of happiness improvement. Study 2 is the effect of mandala painting on menopausal
syndrome and happiness enhancement. The result shows that the 15 casesfrom the level of
consciousness gradually enter the level of unconsciousness, and go to the deeper level of unconsciousness where the childhood or past trauma can be revealed, and then through the cultivation stage finally reach the level of consciousness (reality) for the process of self-localization. Through eight mandala painting treatments, the pre-test and post-test of the overall happiness of 15 cases have been compared, and the T-test shows a very significant level and high reliability
coefficient of the post-test of the overall happiness . In the third part, Study 3 uses the CHI FRACTAL dynamic bio-analysis system to detect the physical and mental health ofmenopausal women. This
study has arranged the detection of CHI FRACTAL Fractal dynamic bio-analysis system on the spot after the first, fourth and eighth mandala painting. From the whole point of view, scientific analysis of menopausal women's psychosomatic health mechanism the results show that after the first painting, the result is excessive mental stress, with very high stress index, and fatigue, insomnia, anxiety are in a serious alert state. The test result after the eighth drawing is that the tension degree has been released by more than three quarters, and the pressure index has been greatly reduced; The hormones are a little higher than the fourth time, basically meeting the standard. In a word, after eight treatments of mandala painting in two months, various bad mood and pain in various menopausal syndromes have been improved, leading to the appearance of youthful state. In conclusion, based on the physical and mental health problems of menopausal women, this paper verifies that the treatment of menopausal women with mandala painting is effective in the treatment of menopausal syndrome, and has a great promoting effect on improving the happiness of
menopausal women through questionnaire test and mandala painting therapy. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of mandala painting in the treatment of menopausal syndrome can make up for the insufficient effect of Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of menopausal syndrome.
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