CITYU Theses & Dissertations
內地顧客滿意度與忠誠度關係研究 : 以澳門五星級酒店為例
A study on the relationship between mainland customer satisfaction and loyalty : Taking the five star hotel in Macao as an example
澳門五星級酒店 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 顧客忠誠度
Macao five-star hotel ; customer satisfaction ; customer loyalty
This study is based on the present situation of the five star hotels in Macao and the open "free line" in the region of Macao, which is a theoretical support for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty theory, and the satisfaction and the loyalty of visitors from the mainland and the Macao 5-star hotel in the lodging of Macao are investigated, and the relationship between them is further explored. After reviewing the research achievements of many domestic and foreign scholars, this paper reviews the related concepts and researches of five-star hotels, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Macao, and builds a research framework of this research.Through the preliminary questionnaire survey and data analysis, some of the inconsistent topics were deleted to form a formal questionnaire.Through the descriptive statistics of demography, demographic analysis of variance, the situation of customer satisfaction and loyalty and customer satisfaction and loyalty of correlation analysis, customer satisfaction and loyalty of regression analysis to verify the hypothesis 1 and some of the assumptions of hypothesis 2. According to the analysis of the formal questionnaire, and puts forward Suggestions for Macao five-star hotels in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
致 謝 III
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 選題的背景和意義 1
1.1.1 選題的背景 1
1.1.2選題的意義 2
1.2研究目的 5
1.3研究流程 6
1.4本人工作內容 6
第二章文獻綜述 8
2.1 五星級酒店 8
2.1.1五星級酒店的概念 8
2.1.2澳門五星級酒店的發展情況 10
2.2顧客滿意度 15
2.2.1顧客滿意度相關概念 15
2.2.2顧客滿意度研究理論 17
2.3顧客忠誠度相關概念 19
2.4顧客滿意與顧客忠誠的關係 22
2.5市場細分理論 23
2.6研究假設 24
第三章研究方法與設計 25
3.1 研究方法 25
3.1.1文獻分析法 25
3.1.2實地調查法 25
3.1.3數據資料分析法 25
3.2問卷設計 26
3.2.1調查問卷的編制 26
3.2.2調查問卷的測量方法 27
3.2.3調查問卷的建構 28
3.3問卷初測 28
3.3.1初測被試情況 28
3.3.2初測實施方式 28
3.3.3統計處理 29
3.3.4專案分析 29
3.3.5探索性因素分析與專案篩選 31
3.3.6信度分析 36
3.3.7初步問卷題目修改情況 37
3.3.8问卷题目的维度命名情况 39
第四章正式問卷 41
4.1正式問卷被試情況 41
4.2人口統計學的描述性統計 41
4.3人口統計學的方差分析 43
4.4顧客滿意度和忠誠度現狀 52
4.5顧客滿意度和忠誠度的相關性分析 53
4.6顧客滿意度和忠誠度的回歸分析 55
第五章結論、建議與不足 56
5.1結論 56
5.2建議 57
5.3存在的不足及進一步研究的方向 58
參考文獻 60
作者簡歷 67
附 錄 一 68
附 錄 二 71
附 錄 三 74
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