This study is based on the present situation of the five star hotels in Macao and the open "free line" in the region of Macao, which is a theoretical support for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty theory, and the satisfaction and the loyalty of visitors from the mainland and the Macao 5-star hotel in the lodging of Macao are investigated, and the relationship between them is further explored. After reviewing the research achievements of many domestic and foreign scholars, this paper reviews the related concepts and researches of five-star hotels, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Macao, and builds a research framework of this research.Through the preliminary questionnaire survey and data analysis, some of the inconsistent topics were deleted to form a formal questionnaire.Through the descriptive statistics of demography, demographic analysis of variance, the situation of customer satisfaction and loyalty and customer satisfaction and loyalty of correlation analysis, customer satisfaction and loyalty of regression analysis to verify the hypothesis 1 and some of the assumptions of hypothesis 2. According to the analysis of the formal questionnaire, and puts forward Suggestions for Macao five-star hotels in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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